The world-recognized billing system,
internationally trusted Payletter

글로벌 페이레터

Payletter Inc. is a global leader with the potential of the world’s best online billing and payment services. Founded in 2001, it has developed to complete business transactions through outstanding billing and payment technology.

Payletter began servicing overseas countries such as North America, Europe, and Asia and expanding worldwide since 2004. It has partnered up with many companies in various countries and is recognized internationally for its state-of-the-art technology and prompt response

Date of
9, Hakdong-ro 2-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
123 (>90% developers)
Billing Solution BillOneQ
Integrated payment agency services PayOneQ
Over 20 countries America, Europe, Asia, etc
Billing solution, BillOneQ

Tip of the iceberg

As your company grows and becomes more prominent, you begin to notice things you haven’t noticed, such as how difficult and complicated things are, from the establishment of Back-Office, integration with various PGs, to checking to see whether settlement payments are reconciled with internal sales records.

Employees of the management support and accounting division will surely lose the light in their eyes while their dark circles become deeper. Payletter has been solving these issues by establishing a billing and settlement system for various domestic and global companies for 17 years.

Recently, an increasing number of fast-growing startups have entrusted more cases of billing and settlement to Payletter and it allows their internal resources to save time and energy in order to concentrate on the innovation. As the cashflow data has been successfully accumulated, decisions based on these data can also be supported by Payletter.

Now, with Payletter’s Billing/Settlement solution, forget your worries, and focus on your business.

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Integrated payment service PayOneQ

Drawing the eyes
of the dragon

No matter how good a service is, if the payment does not work, it is useless. However, due to various payment environment, businesses find this difficult. This is especially true for college students and those who are younger, who cannot utilize convenient methods of payment like credit cards.

In addition to credit cards, we provide a variety of prepaid cards as we have experienced by providing the related tasks to the number 1 global game, League of Legend.

In addition to credit cards, we provide a variety of prepaid cards as we have experienced by providing the related tasks to the number 1 global game, League of Legend.

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Synergy between
payment service and billing service

Team of experts

Billing / settlement and payment, they are equally very important to a business. Thus, many companies provide such services. However, if a payment is made, some of it is bound to be cancelled. Besides, there could be questions regarding how payment details are related to your sale records.

It is not easy to connect these processes smoothly. Payletter’s payment service was born for clients that use Payletter’s billing solution. Consequently, one cannot deny the connection between Payletter’s payment service and billing solution.

Using these services together, you will be able to solve the last and most important piece of your business puzzle. Like flowing water, payment/billing/settlement, whatever your problem was, it will be solved perfectly and smoothly. Should any problems arise, the nothing can’t be solved through one phone call with Payletter’s manager. Perfect your business through using these two services.

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Payletter CI

Payletter Turquoise PANTONE 326 C
C:75 M:0 Y:40 K:0
R:0 G:183 B:170
Payletter Navy PANTONE 2189 C
C:100 M:30 Y:0 K:80
R:0 G:40 B:77.

PayLetter logo is the completion of all business areas based on the lower case logo type with the familiar image with curved lines, and was developed with the concept of a period that signifies a new beginning. It is an expression of our willingness to take full responsibility for the end of customer service through our payment / billing service.

The logo is a key element of the identity system that conveys the corporate image. Therefore, when applied to all application items, it must be applied according to the regulations set forth in this guide.