Expand your business more easily
together with Payletter.
Application for Payment Service
Create merchant ID for PG Service integration
Email or call will be delievered after internal screening procedure
Submission of Service Agreement and related Documents
Please send all the documents to the address below
9, Hakdong-ro 2-gil, Gangnam-gu
Seoul, Republic of Korea
(Zip Code: 06110)
Payment of Registration Fee
Please pay for the registration fee
Bank deposit
Hana Bank 403-910042-900004
Payletter Inc.
Screening Procedure from Creditcard / Carrier Company
Screening procedure for the integration will take maximum 2 weeks
business information / service check (website, products, etc.)
Payletter will request screening procedure to the card/carrier company
Guide for the Screening Results and Completion of Contract
Email or call will be delievered after internal screening result with information of integration
Settlement will be made by the contracted settlement period